How Are Cabins Priced?
Our group inventory and advertised pricing is for DOUBLE OCCUPANCY CABINS; meaning two people occupy the cabin. The price displayed below shows the PER PERSON rate for each cabin. Example: If the cost of the cabin is $1,000.00, the price displayed below is $500 per person.
You can also occupy this cabin as a solo traveler, however you will pay for the full cost of the cabin. The ONLY discount you will receive as a solo traveler will be the deduction of the taxes and port fees for the second guest which is usually around $200 (less than the advertised price) which will be indicated on your invoice.
Example: ($1,000.00 Cost of Cabin - $200 taxes and port fees = $800)
Registered guests have the option to list themselves in the cabin classifieds to pair with another registered guest once they have made settled 50% of their invoice. Girl Let's Go does NOT assist, vet or guarantee a match, but we do make this service available to our guests. You must have a cabin mate by final payment or you will be billed as a solo traveler. No exceptions.

Sure Hope You Got Travel Insurance!
It never fails. On every trip someone emails us looking for a refund cuz $h!T didn't turn our how they thought it would and well - We agree...getting a couple hundred or thousand dollars back would be nice. So our response is...
Just CLICK HERE to officially cancel from the trip, then call your Travel Insurance Provider to start your claim. We'll send then (or your banking institution) all supporting documents to include the three times we advised and reminded you you to purchase travel insurance before, during and after your trip.
Are Your Travel Plans In Good Hands?
You may purchase travel insurance on your own or through one of our providers but to ensure your policy is connected to Girl Let's Go, START EACH PURCHASE HERE 👉👉👉
Listen Up,
Girl Let's Go, LLC is a Travel Company, we are not and do not function as a Travel Insurance Company; whose primary job is to facilitate refunds or compensations for the hundreds of reasons you might need one! If you dispute your trip charge with your bank account, we will provide them with the necessary proof to win your fraudulent claim of "I didn't authorize this, don't recognize this transaction, didn't get what I paid" for or whatever other reason you select from their drop down menu.